Friday, April 16, 2010

The Most Dangerous Place in the World

For the time will come when you will say, 'Blessed are the barren women, the wombs that never bore and the breasts that never nursed!'
-Luke 23:29

In our society today, you have about a 0.8% chance each year of dying from disease, car accident, murder, or from any other numerous causes of death. However, if you are an unborn child in the womb, you have a staggering 50% chance of dying before birth. 25% of all pregnancies miscarry before the sixth week. The other 25% of babies are aborted. A study showed that 26 out 100 unborn babies are murdered in their own mother's womb. After finding this out, I was stunned. I had no idea how incredibly unsafe it is to be an unborn baby. To think that the most dangerous place to be is your own mother's womb. You might be the result of your mother's own sexual indulgences or you may just simply be "unintended". Therefore, since you mother didn't intentionally become pregnant, you will most likely be punished for being "in the way". In the United States, a woman can have abortion in the first three months of pregnancy for any reason. She has the right to terminate the life of her child the rest of her nine months of pregnancy as long as the reason is for the preservation of her health. This regulation can be interpreted in almost way in favor of getting the abortion. Women have said that carrying the pregnancy to term would injure them mentally, emotionally, and even socially! It is absolutely ridiculous the way rules have been bent in order to make abortion available at any point and for practically any reason. In the United States, 4300 babies are aborted daily. Approximately three have died since you started reading this post. Please join me in prayer as I petition God to spare the lives of the unborn. It deeply saddens me to know that the one place that God designed to be a protected safe sanctuary to grow a human life has become the most dangerous place in the world.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Mommy, what is abortion?

I can still remember the day when I first discovered what abortion was. I had heard the word and like a normal nine- year- old, I wanted to know what it was. I went to mom and asked her. I could tell it was hard for her to tell me and she was struggling to find the right words. "Maranatha, abortion is when a mother decides to kill her baby before it is born." I was stunned. My young ears could not believe what I heard. Why would a mother want to kill her baby? How could she do such an awful thing as killing her own son or daughter? I ran upstairs to my bed and cried. I sobbed and sobbed into my pillow until my eyes ran out of tears. My heart was broken and I felt myself hurting and mourning over the deaths of all those murdered innocent babies. I grabbed my aching sides as I imagined all of those children who never even saw their father, never got to kiss their mother. I prayed. I don't remember what I said or even what I prayed for. It was a cry of desperation from a hurting child. And like a comforting father embracing me, God reminded me that He is still the father of all those babies and that they were right then safe with Him in heaven. I blinked away the tears and felt encouraged knowing that all of those beautiful children were no longer suffering, but rejoicing. I knew right then, with burning passion growing in my heart, I wanted to fight and end abortion. God has renewed that passion in me and now, I am trying harder than ever to protest and fight it. Help me in this fight!!! BE ON YOUR KNEES!!!!!! Pray fervently for all the women who may be considering abortion; that they will learn the truth and not terminate what God created. Pray for the abortion Doctors. Pray that the Holy Spirit will convict their hearts and show them that what they are doing is wrong. Pray for our political leaders who are trying to fight and end abortion. Pray that they will have courage and not give up their fight. Thank you for your prayers and may God in Heaven hear our cry and end this bloody practice in our country!!
"The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective." - James 5:16